Monday, September 10, 2007


Hajime mashite. Watashi wa Hanae desu. Barnard no ichinensei desu. Okasan wa nihonjin desu. Otosan wa amerikajin desu. I was not raised bilingually (though I have a very limited vocabulary of random words), and my parents use Japanese mostly for the purpose of saying things I'm not supposed to hear. Therefore I must learn it.


Unknown said...

That means your father speaks Japanese as well?

Anonymous said...

Hey Hanae. Do you think your family wants you to learn it or do they like that they can talk behind your back? ;)

はなえ said...

ha, no i think they'd love it.

なずきあん said...

One day, you will surprise your parents by speaking in Japanese :)

なずきあん (=あさりちゃん)

Becca said...

That is the most useful reason to learn Japanese! haha. I hope you find out some interesting stuff listening to your parents. It can also be useful speaking with people from your Japanese class when you're in NYC and you don't want people to know what you're saying! (Unless there are people around who speak Japanese)